UnBeatables, the LARA team at Robocup2014, is back home with a prize for SPL drop-in-only category! They also got the 15th place at the drop-in general ranking that includes all SPL teams.

It was a great achievement for the group that has participated for the first time at the competition.

A number of newspapers and TV news has covered this achievement:

Newspapers: Jornal Metro - 16 apr 2014 Correio Brasiliense - 25 jul 2014 Jornal Metro - 05 aug 2014

Television: DFTV 1ª edição - 08 jul 2014 DFTV 2ª edição - 31 jul 2014 DFTV 1ª edição - 04 aug 2014 BandNews Brasília - 04 aug 2014 Jornal do SBT Brasília - 06 aug 2014